44 research outputs found

    Tuotantoprosessin Arvovirta-analyysi elintarvikealan yritykselle

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli laatia Karkkimaailma Oy:lle tuotannon arvovirtakuvaus, josta saadaan selville yrityksen tuotannon nykytila vahvuuksineen ja heikkouksineen. Laaditun nykytilaa kuvaavan arvovirtakuvauksen tarkoituksena on toimia pohjana myöhemmin laadittavalle tulevaisuudentilan arvovirtakuvaukselle. Lisäksi työn tarkoituksena on kehittää ja tehostaa tuotantoa ja karsia pois arvoa tuottamattomia osa-alueita. Tutkimus suoritettiin kesän 2013 ja kevään 2014 välisenä aikana. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käsitellään arvovirtakuvauksen kannalta hyödyllisiä osakokonaisuuksia. Aluksi kuvattiin prosessiajattelun perusmalli ja luotiin pohjaa mallien tehostamiselle. Tästä lähdettiin etenemään tuotannon ja varastojen optimoinnin kautta arvovirtakuvaukseen ja tuotteen arvon kehitykseen tuotantoprosessissa. Viimeisenä käsitellään toimintamalliksi valikoitunutta Lean-menetelmää ja siihen liittyviä tukitoimintoja yksityiskohtaisemmin. Teoriaosio pohjautuu pääasiassa aiheesta laadittuihin koti- ja ulkomaisiin lähdeteoksiin. Käytännön tutkimuksessa tutustutaan yrityksen tuotantoon ja sen olemassa oleviin toimintamalleihin mahdollisimman perusteellisesti. Yrityksen tuotantoprosessin nykytila kuvattiin mittauksilla, joita suoritettiin kattavasti jokaisesta tuotantoprosessin vaiheesta. Näistä kerätyistä tiedoista muodostettiin prosessin arvovirtakuvaus, joka käytiin vielä yksityiskohtaisesti läpi ja arvioitiin sen luotettavuutta. Suoritetun tutkimuksen ja kerätyn aineiston perusteella, oli mahdollista laatia kattava arvovirtakuvaus, mutta yrityksen tuotantoprosessin muuttuessa useasti, mittareiden arvotkin muuttuvat. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan nostaa esille, myös muutamia parannusehdotuksia yrityksen tulevaisuutta ajatellen, kuten varastojen ja ostoprosessien optimointi. Kuitenkin näistä esitetyistä asioista monet eivät vielä nouse ajankohtaiseksi aivan lähitulevaisuudessa, mutta ovat välttämättömiä muutoksia, jos yrityksen kehitys jatkuu suunnitellulla aikataululla. Lean-järjestelmän käyttöönotto yrityksessä tietyin varauksin ja mukautuksin pystyttiin perustelemaan kattavasti ja sen hyötyjä pystytään jatkossa hyödyntämään johtuen jo valmiina olevista komponenteista ja resursseista.The purpose of this thesis was to draw up a value stream map of production for Karkkimaailma Ltd. to find out the current state of the company’s production with its strengths and weaknesses. The aim of the current value stream map was to form the basis for the future state of the value stream map to be drawn up afterwards. In addition, the goal was to develop and intensify the company’s production and eliminate the sections which do not give any value for the manufacturing process. The research was conducted between the summer of 2013 and the spring of 2014. Useful subsystems for the value stream map are discussed in the theoretical part of the thesis. First, the basic model of process thinking was described and the basis for enhancing the models was created. Then the optimization of the warehouses and production was followed by the value stream mapping and the value development in the manufacturing process. Last, Lean management with its support functions was dealt with in detail. The theoretical part of the thesis relies strongly on professional literature. The practical part of the research the production of the company and its existing operations models are studied as extensively as possible. The current state of the company’s manufacturing process was described with measurements which were carried out comprehensively on every single part of the process. A value stream map of the process was created of the collected facts which were thoroughly studied and their reliability was evaluated. Based on the research and the material collected it was possible to draw up an extensive value stream map but because the manufacturing process of the company often changes, so do the indicators. Some suggestions for improvement arise from the results of the research, for example the optimization of the company warehouse and the purchasing process. Nonetheless, many of the matters shown in this thesis will not be necessary in the near future but are still compulsory if the company develops as planned. The introduction of the Lean management with certain reservations was strongly justified and its benefits can be utilized due to the existing components and resources

    Adapting SLP to ad-hoc environment

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    Ad-hoc networking, where network structure is created dynamically as nodes enter and leave the network, has recently become an active reseach subject. As majority of existing network protocols has been targeted to be used in an environment, where a static network configuration and the option of using registry repositories is enabled, they need tailoring for ad-hoc networking. In this paper, we discuss how Service Location Protocol (SLP) can be modified for such a dynamic environment starting from the requirements of applications that are to be run, and user’s intentions. The adaptations we have implemented include passive service discovery where the amount of network traffic needed for service discovery can be reduced, security related features for improved privacy, gateway function that offers connectivity to external networks, and service discovery proxies that assist in the discovery of services between ad-hoc and fixed networks. The paper also addresses implementation of these features.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Adapting SLP to ad-hoc environment

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    Ad-hoc networking, where network structure is created dynamically as nodes enter and leave the network, has recently become an active reseach subject. As majority of existing network protocols has been targeted to be used in an environment, where a static network configuration and the option of using registry repositories is enabled, they need tailoring for ad-hoc networking. In this paper, we discuss how Service Location Protocol (SLP) can be modified for such a dynamic environment starting from the requirements of applications that are to be run, and user’s intentions. The adaptations we have implemented include passive service discovery where the amount of network traffic needed for service discovery can be reduced, security related features for improved privacy, gateway function that offers connectivity to external networks, and service discovery proxies that assist in the discovery of services between ad-hoc and fixed networks. The paper also addresses implementation of these features.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Kirsti Siitonen (1951–2020)

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    Two-layer LMDS system architecture: DAVIC-based approach and analysis

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    Despite the growing interest for LMDS systems there have been only a few commercial implementations until now especially outside of the U.S.A. The use of hierarchical structure through two-layer networking has been even rarer. In many cases LMDS systems have strong advantages against their competitors to cover the last mile. In this article, we review and analyze the standards currently available and describe the European two-layer trial system developed in 1996-2000. We show why further development towards IP based LMDS is useful in the future. Most of our recommendations are based on results derived from the European Union supported research project CABSINET. It had the aim of demonstrating the viability of a 40 GHz cellular digital television system with a return channel to offer interactive services. Two systems were tested: a line of sight link using QPSK, and a non-line of sight with COFDM modulation scheme. In the RF-subsystems, the greatest difficulty of any viable LMDS system is to obtain a moderately low price for the user receiver, while fulfilling the hard OFDM requirements in terms of phase noise, stability and spectrum restrictions. Several options have been studied in order to design the subsystems with the smallest cost. This paper will present the architectures of the transmitters, nomadic terminals, and the design of the IF/RF subsystems for both types of modulations. The discussion is focused on system engineering and selections required in order to build a full two-layer LMDS system.This work has been supported in part by European Commission through the ACTS programme (CABSINET project). PM is in part supported by the Academy of Finland (grant 50624). Authors wish to thank the CABSINET research consortium for enjoyable collaboration and useful suggestions

    Adapting SLP to ad-hoc environment

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    Ad-hoc networking, where network structure is created dynamically as nodes enter and leave the network, has recently become an active reseach subject. As majority of existing network protocols has been targeted to be used in an environment, where a static network configuration and the option of using registry repositories is enabled, they need tailoring for ad-hoc networking. In this paper, we discuss how Service Location Protocol (SLP) can be modified for such a dynamic environment starting from the requirements of applications that are to be run, and user’s intentions. The adaptations we have implemented include passive service discovery where the amount of network traffic needed for service discovery can be reduced, security related features for improved privacy, gateway function that offers connectivity to external networks, and service discovery proxies that assist in the discovery of services between ad-hoc and fixed networks. The paper also addresses implementation of these features.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Environmental impacts of a lunch plate - challenges in interpreting the LCA results

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    The challenges of the project were to reveal and interpret complex and contrasting environmental issues associated with food by consumers, in order to build up more comprehensive understanding on LCA results as measures of sustainability. This approach was to linked to the specific example of lunch plates. Expertise from various scientific fields was used to identify the key environmental issues; food chain stakeholders to provide appropriate environmental data for LCA, consumer researchers to link that with the food consumption framework, and teaching experts to introduce pedagogic aspects into the lunch plate presentation

    Concordance and discordance in how patients and therapists experience the psychotherapy process in the treatment of depression

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    Despite the extensive literature on the outcome and process of psychotherapy in the treatment of depression, little is known about how the underlying factors of depression and the therapy process are experienced by the patients and therapists. In particular, the recognition of themes that are discordantly experienced by patients and therapists may have practical significance for how the therapy process should be conducted. We have previously developed a process description questionnaire to explore the views of patients with major depression and their therapists during the psychodynamic therapy process. In this study, we used factor analysis on the data collected with the process description questionnaire to explore the perceptions of the patients and therapists at different stages of the therapy process. We derived 15 clusters of variables from the questionnaire, on which we conducted primary and secondary factor analysis. The formation of the factors was found to be largely consistent between the patients and therapists regarding the alliance and affectively neutral aspects of the treatment process, whereas the variables of the patients vs. therapists concerning symptoms of depression and their underlying factors dispersed to a greater extent into separate factors. Dispersion was found especially in the experience of processing affectively laden themes and the developmental background factors underlying depression. Our findings refer to a defective insight of the patients into the developmental, interactional and affective factors underlying their symptoms. These factors should be especially targeted in psychotherapy of depression

    3D-tiedosta lisäarvoa kaupunkien vihersuunnitteluun sekä katu- ja puistopuiden hoitoon

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    Tieteen tori: Yksityiskohtainen metsävaratiet

    Keskipitkän aikavälin ilmastopolitiikan suunnitelman vaikutusarviot

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    Kestävä energia- ja ilmastopolitiikka ja uusiutuvien rooli Suomessa (KEIJU) -hankkeen tavoitteena oli tarkastella laaja-alaisesti energia- ja ilmastopolitiikan kokonaisuutta. Hankkeessa tehtiin kokonaisvaltainen selvitys Suomen mahdollisuuksista saavuttaa kustannustehokkaasti ja johdonmukaisesti hallitusohjelman ja Euroopan Unionin asettamat energia- ja ilmastotavoitteet. Hanke toteutettiin yhteistyössä Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy:n, Suomen ympäristökeskuksen (SYKE), Luonnonvarakeskuksen (Luke), Terveyden ja hyvinvoinninlaitoksen (THL) ja Helsingin yliopiston (HY) kanssa. Kokonaisuudesta vastasi VTT. Tässä raportissa esitetään Keskipitkän aikavälin ilmastopolitiikan suunnitelman (KAISU) vaikutusarviot, joita on tarkennettu ja laajennettu taakanjakosektorin toimien osalta VNK raportissa 21/2017 aiemmin julkaistusta Energia- ja ilmastostrategian vaikutusten arvioinnista. Energiajärjestelmän mallitarkastelujen (TIMES) mukaan kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentämisen teknistaloudellinen kokonaispotentiaali vuonna 2030 olisi perusuraan (WEM-skenaarioon) verrattuna 5,1–6,8 Mt CO2 ekv. Suurimmat päästövähennyspotentiaalit ovat liikenteessä, mutta toisaalta liikenteen päästöjen vähentämiseen sekä siitä aiheutuviin kustannuksiin ja ympäristövaikutuksiin liittyvät myös merkittävimmät epävarmuudet. Lisäpäästövähennyksiä on mahdollista saavuttaa erityisesti vähentämällä mineraaliöljyn käyttöä rakennusten lämmityksessä ja työkoneiden polttoainekäytössä. Biopolttoaineiden käytön lisäys sekoitevelvoitteiden avulla liikenteessä, rakennusten lämmityksessä ja työkoneissa on merkittävin yksittäinen toimi. Kokonaisuudessaan KAISU:n toimilla on kansantaloudellisten vaikutusten arvioinnin tulosten perusteella hyvin vähäinen vaikutus kansantuotteen kasvuun. Yhdessä muiden politiikkatoimien kanssa KAISU:n toimet vaikuttavat ympäristöön, ihmisten terveyteen ja elinoloihin monin eri tavoin. Vaikutusten suuruus riippuu monista tekijöistä, minkä vuoksi vaikutusten ennakointiin liittyy monia epävarmuustekijöitä. Vaikutusten seuranta on siten tärkeää tavoitteiden saavuttamisen ja seurausten todentamiseks